Headway WordPress Framework Review

by | Apr 21, 2016 | Reviews | 0 comments

This post is part of a series of WordPress framework reviews where we assess and compare the frameworks that received the most votes in our Best WordPress Framework poll. Check out the wrap-up or take a look at the reviews for Headway, Ultimatum, Divi Builder, or Gantry.

The Headway WordPress framework is unique in that it allows you to literally draw your design on a grid. Most other popular frameworks utilize an interface with rows that you populate with modules to create your layout. So, how does Headway compare?

Headway WordPress Framework Review

The Headway Framework

Headway works on a system of layout inheritance. You start with a single layout which is inherited by every page and post on the site. If you add a new layout and assign it to “Single”, it gets applied to pages and posts instead. You can mirror blocks between designs to save time which comes in handy if items are universal, like headers and footers, and you can also tweak them for layouts further down the chain. Need to create a custom layout for a single post or page? Just create it and assign it to that item.

Headway Layout Inheritance

Headway’s layout inheritance makes designing faster but at times more complex.

It’s a simple and effective way to manage layouts, but it’s not quite as straightforward as Gantry’s assignment based system. Headway regularly prompts you asking if you want to edit the inherited layout which gets a bit confusing until you thoroughly understand the system. Some tweaks to the menu system in the grid editor would go a long way to clearing up which layout is being used when. It would get very cumbersome on larger sites.

The grid layout system, and Headway in general, is a bit rough around the edges. At first the simplicity is appealing, but you soon find yourself wishing you could have more detailed information presented.

The ability to draw your layout certainly opens up a lot of possibilities, especially if you’re looking to design a site with uneven rows of content. The drawback is that it can be difficult to get started with a blank canvas, and when you do, it’s sometimes tricky to make sure things are aligned properly because there is no ruler/grid to indicate the distance between blocks. Maybe some people don’t care if there is 10 or 11 pixels between rows, but we do.

The grid layout creator is half of the system. The other half is the style editor. This to has pros and cons. While the visual style editor makes some tasks easy, it complicates others, and the inheritance system makes things much more complex here as styles are inherited from layouts higher up the chain.

Changing styles using the visual editor can lead to unexpected results, as well. I applied a horizontal box shadow effect which was applied vertically for some reason, and when I changed the header font to Copperplate that didn’t work on the live site either as it isn’t included. It didn’t display the correct font in the visual editor, either. Why list fonts that aren’t included with the template or framework?

Let’s say you want to change the font color of the copyright text in the footer. You edit the instance of the block in question, which shows you the options. It also has a tab showing the existing styling, but it doesn’t show where that’s coming from, and when you click to edit the existing setting you are taken to the previous screen to customize it rather than the origin. It’s just confusing and would be tedious to work with when layouts start to get complicated and responsive designs are brought in to play.

Speaking of responsive design, that’s one of Headway’s weakest areas. In order to gain more control over the mobile/tablet design of your website, you must manually set breakpoints on each block and specify how they act on different devices. Divi simply shows a toggle for desktop, tablet, and mobile and you just choose which one you want your content to appear on. With Headway you have to specify the breakpoint manually, set min or max requirements, and choose whether or not to hide the block. This merely hides the content with a style rule which could put you in danger of taking SEO and performance hits if you’re hiding large blocks of content.  If you’re using a parallax design that includes dynamic content blocks you basically can’t use the grid/style editors because they populate the content and you can’t get to the bottom blocks to edit them.

On the plus side, it’s very easy to add widget areas of any size in any part of the design. This adds a lot of flexibility in displaying content and using third party plugins, though adding a lot of them would likely make the widgets area in WordPress a bit overwhelming since they all appear there.

Headway's grid editor doesn't give a lot of information about the blocks.

Headway’s grid editor doesn’t give a lot of information about the blocks.

Whether or not the layout system is efficient is somewhat subjective. On the one hand, the inheritance system can make it easy to quickly build out numerous layouts with certain universals elements shared between them. On the other, it requires developers to spend a lot of time building layouts and you have to go back to adjust them in the future because most of the functionality of Headway is in its visual editors, not in WordPress’ Admin interface or default content editor.

Digging deeper into the Headway framework you discover how limited the included blocks are. For example, the social icons only have three options – Peel, Soft, and custom. Peel aren’t actually “peel” images and “soft” are just standard rectangle social icons with rounded corners. If you setup Peel and switch to Soft, you’ll have to re-configure all of your icons because those settings are stored separately. Slider blocks are very limited; you can’t dynamically populate them at all. In the Advanced options for the slider you’re given a marketing message saying the slider is only capable of displaying images and if you want more functionality you’ll need to pony up for a plugin. Of course you could setup a widget block and use any plugin you’d like, but why even include such a limited slider in the first place?

Headway Templates

To speed up testing of Headway we chose their White Wash template. This let us get an idea of how the developers use the framework and what it’s capable of. When choosing a template we were looking for a simple design with a few rows of content, some images, a header and a footer. This gave us comparable testing results and helps make it easier to review the frameworks equally. We also built some designs from scratch and tried another template, Whiteboard.

Using a pre-made template is a great way fast track a project or get a sense of how Headway works and what’s possible, but installing one of their pre-made templates could use some polish. You have to install Headway, download the template and install that, then import an XML file using the WordPress import plugin. When you do this you’ll need to switch the authors of the content so they don’t have the wrong authors attached. Once that is done you’ll notice some broken images (they aren’t imported or linked correctly), the social icons near the footer don’t work (you have to go in and manually add them), and you’ll likely want to assign your own menu.
Posts and pages don’t work, either, as their layout doesn’t include the content block (this issue exists on their demo as well). Since images are missing from the import file you’ll need to manually download the from the demo in order to re-create it accurately for testing purposes, although that’s usually not the goal of a developer using a template for a new project. With White Wash, you’ll notice that the template includes two layouts; Home and Index. While some of the blocks from Home are mirrored in Index, the header isn’t for some reason.
White Wash is missing a lot of mouse over effects you’d normally take for granted, like on tags and buttons. The tablet version of the template needs some work with padding and the header and includes drop-down menus that might not work at all on touch devices. The phone version of the template is even worse. The logo is cut off, the menu is antiquated, padding is missing around the wrapper and content isn’t sorted properly (a sidebar should never appear above main content on mobile – poorly addressed here). Some of the same issues were present when we took a look at their other premium templates on their demo sites. We also noticed some styling issues when we deployed the template on our test site which may be due to the fact that we’re running the latest version of WordPress, 4.4, while Headway is running 4.0 on their demo sites. Bottom line: you’re going to need to do a lot of work if you want to implement the premium templates which sort of defeats the purpose of using them.


Headway’s unique feature, allowing you to draw your layout, is very attractive to those developers who are looking to create unique layouts without manually coding them completely. It’s an idea that’s great in theory but in practice can be difficult to use and at times actually slow down the design process because let’s face it; a blank canvas can be intimidating.

Drawing your layout is as simple as advertised, but making it look great and work well on mobile devices is another story. The included modules are limited in number and features, forcing you to either purchase Headway’s enhanced versions or third party plugins. That would be acceptable if other frameworks didn’t include far superior modules.

Headway’s templates also leave a lot to be desired. They are more work to setup than the others we tested and the two we worked with were missing functionality and/or partially broken out of the box. We’re also concerned that they aren’t fully compatible with the latest version of WordPress as the demos are running on WordPress 4.0 and there are numerous issues when they are setup in WordPress 4.4. Running the WordPress theme check tool against the Headway Base theme throws dozens of errors and warnings, though some of the notices could be due to the framework not technically being a WordPress theme.

We’d only recommend Headway to developers looking for a framework that you can freehand your design with. Once you acclimate to Headway’s interface and if you’re comfortable doing a bit of coding, you may be happy with your results. Stay away from their pre-made templates and build from scratch.

WordPress Frameworks Benchmarks



A new WordPress installation was created for each framework using the latest version of WordPress (4.4.2) and the framework as of early April, 2016. Each was a clean install using the ZIP from WordPress.org and a separate database, but all running from the same server. No further optimization was enabled, and no caching was configured. Only the plugins required by the frameworks and/or their templates were added and the two plugins included with WordPress were removed.

We considered manually re-creating a generic layout using each framework but decided to implement templates created by their developers instead. Not only did this reduce the already lengthy testing and review process, but it allowed us to test the frameworks using templates the developers themselves deemed high quality and suited to their audience. In order to have comparable test results we chose templates that were similar in design and made sure that all content ran off of our test server rather than being pulled from third party sites.

YSlow Grade

"YSlow grades web page based on one of three predefined ruleset or a user-defined ruleset. It offers suggestions for improving the page's performance, summarizes the page's components, displays statistics about the page, and provides tools for performance analysis."

  • WordPress - Twenty Sixteen 93% 93%
  • Gantry - Hydrogen 92% 92%
  • Headway - White Wash 91% 91%
  • Elegant Themes - Divi 90% 90%
  • Ultimatum - Clean 89% 89%

Google Page Speed

"When you profile a web page with PageSpeed, it evaluates the page's conformance to a number of different rules. These rules are general front-end best practices you can apply at any stage of web development."

  • Elegant Themes - Divi 97% 97%
  • Ultimatum - Clean 96% 96%
  • WordPress - Twenty Sixteen 94% 94%
  • Gantry - Hydrogen 93% 93%
  • Headway - White Wash 87% 87%

Page Load Times - Homepage

After installing each framework and a simple template/layout we measured the page load times of each three times using GTmetrix.com and averaged the scores to come up with a final value. The clear winner here is Gantry and their Hydrogen theme, which impressively outscored the default WordPress Twenty Sixteen theme.

1.13s Gantry - Hydrogen WINNER

1.29s WordPress - Twenty Sixteen

1.41s Elegant Themes - Divi

1.60s Headway - White Wash

1.92s Ultimatum - Clean

Page Load Times - About Us Page

For a more apples-to-apples comparison we also tested a simple About Us page with each framework. This consisted of the default header/footer, three paragraphs of lorem ipsum, and a single image. As you can see, the rankings were largely the same. The surprise was that two of the five frameworks actually had slower sub-pages than homepages.

0.93s Gantry - Hydrogen WINNER

0.97s WordPress - Twenty Sixteen

1.63s Elegant Themes - Divi

1.71s Ultimatum - Clean

1.72s Headway - White Wash

What We Tested

Here's what each homepage looked like after it was setup on our test server.

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